Tuition, Fees, Days and Hours  for 2023–2024
Program Days Times Tuition
Parent’s Day Out Tue & Thru 9:00am–2:00pm $240 per month
Registration Fees
Program Cost
2-Day: Parent’s Day Out $100
2-Day: Pre-K$120

*Fees are set on a 10-month pay scale, not on a set number of days per  month. The registration fee for any program is non-refundable. Registration fees are due at the time of enrollment and are non-refundable.  Tuition is due the first of each month, August-May.
We accept payment in the form of cash and check.
The Goodlettsville Church Parents Day Out loosely follows the Metro  Nashville School District calendar FOR MAJOR DATES. We are closed on all  holidays and breaks, including inclement weather closings. We are also c losed  on County Early Dismissal Days. A copy of the Metro Nashville Public School  Calendar is available on their website.
If you have questions, please contact the Parents’ Day Out Director Cece  McDonald through Goodlettsville Church at 615.859.5888 or email